Thursday, June 2, 2011

Meet the new Miss Cheerwine

This is the picture Salisbury-based Cheerwine sent out to announce the appointment of the first Miss Cheerwine, "a brand ambassador that will travel throughout the South for a fun-filled summer, meeting fans and representing the iconic drink at concerts and events."

Miss Cheerwine is Spencer Cummings, 23, an N.C. native who now lives in Chattanooga, Tenn. She was chosen for "embodying the effervescence found in every can and bottle."

Yes, she was chosen for her sparkling personality. I guess we haven't come such a long way, baby.


  1. "Yes, she was chosen for her sparkling personality. I guess we haven't come such a long way, baby."

    Uh, yeah. What she said.

    And I'm guessing that the new Miss Cheerwine wouldn't even get your reference. The more things change...

  2. Jealous, much?

    Let me take a wild guess - Purvis & the first two commenters - voted for Obama.

    Take your elitism & stick it where the sun don't shine.

  3. Well, clearly Miss Cheerwine resides somewhere between Miss Universe and Miss Foggy Bottom County Fair. Nice body though, and that's what counts with where and what she'll be sellin'.

  4. Wow....23....I would have guessed much older.

  5. This 40-something woman is glad they chose a pretty NC girl for the job. Really, would you rather have an ugly girl? Or some burly guy? Thank God they didn't choose some Yankee girl with a horrible accent to try to sell our NC drink!

  6. I like the way her "personality" fills out her shirt.

  7. Youre right, they chose some Tennessee girl with an awful accent to do it instead.

  8. Something mean.

    There, I said it.

  9. sounds like grape juice mixed with vodka

  10. Good Lord, Kathleen, get over yourself.

  11. "Yes, she was chosen for her sparkling personality. I guess we haven't come such a long way, baby."

    What would you have preferred, Kathleen? Someone old, ugly and fat like you? Yeah, that would sell A TON of Cheerwine. Who are you going to attack next, the Fanta girls? Cheerwine, like any other product, exists to sell itself, and past success in marketing dictates that you'll sell more product if you have someone attractive pushing it, as opposed to an old bag like you.

    Marketing. Learn you some.

    (The above "learn you some" was typed grammatically incorrect for emphasis. Explanation only necessary as sarcasm is difficult to convey over the internet.)

  12. I grew up in Salisbury where Cheerwine originated and no its not "wine" or alcoholic, just "wine" colored and dates back to the turn of the century. I don't mind a pretty face, but why the "daisy-duke" look?

  13. to the poster who said: "Thank God they didn't choose some Yankee girl with a horrible accent to try to sell our NC drink!"

    Y'all have horrible accents...ever listen to yourself. You can't even speak proper English -- Fixin', reckon, where you at? Wallow in your ignorance

  14. "Buuuuurrrrrpppppp!"

  15. Anon 1:34, you chose to move here, we didn't choose to have you. So I reckon you better be fixin' to quit complainin' about where you at.

  16. May I suggest you, Ms. Purvis, as the spokeswoman for "duck feet and tongues" consumption. How would you prepare a ducks foot anyway?

  17. Red-Cooked Ducks Feet
    1 lb. ducks’ feet
    2 tbsps oil
    3 scallions, chopped into ½ inch lengths
    2 slices of ginger
    2 tbsps rice wine
    3 tbsps soy sauce
    2 cups chicken stock
    1 tbsp oyster sauce
    1 petal star anise
    1 piece of orange peel
    Pinch of salt
    Pinch of sugar

    Thickening paste:
    4 tsps cornstarch
    4 tsps water
    1/2 tsps Sesame oil


    1. Wash the ducks’ feet and if necessary, remove the hard scaly skin.

    2. Heat the wok with 2 tbsps oil and stir fry the scallions and ginger for about 15 seconds.

    3. Add the duck’s feet and stir fry for about 2 minutes. Then add the rice wine and soy sauce and continue frying in a reduced heat for another 15 seconds.

    4. Pour in the stock and oyster sauce. Add the star anise, orange peel, salt and sugar.

    5. Cook over a gentle heat for 70 minutes. Then take out the ducks’ feet, put them into a bowl without their cooking juices and steam until tender for about 30 minutes.

    6. Strain 2/3 cup of the cooking liquid, bring to the boil and thicken with the cornstarch paste. Check the seasoning and pour over the ducks’ feet. Sprinkle with sesame oil and serve.

  18. Subliminal advertising. They want you to think drinking Cheerwine is like popping a cherry.

  19. Just can't beat a good Dicken's Cider!

  20. Anon 222. That's right. It's the United States of America. And no legal citizen of this great country needs your permission to move here. Get over yourselves. Change is here like it or not. And for the better.... for one thing, the people who moved here from elsewhere raised your standard of living, education, and professional levels.

  21. self-righteous much? Love how everyone who comes "down here" seems to be so much more enlightened and intelligent than us "southerners". It's that pompous attitude that makes people resent you.

  22. Miss Cheerwine should have MoonPies to accompany her on the tours. A MoonPie with Cheerwine in a crystal goblet is the height of dining excellence.
    Ron Dickson

  23. Anon 356... So misguided. I didn't say you didn't have a right to move here. I said we didn't choose for you to move here, YOU did. So either get over how disgusted you are with the south, or move back to the good ole north you fled from. That simple.
    The only changes I see are more idiot drivers from the north causing problems on our roads and more hair gel and pinstriped button up shirt than Express for Men can keep up with.
    So as I said, YOU chose to move HERE. We didn't ask for you, nor did we want your attitude. You give nice northerners such a bad name. Bless your heart, you just don't know any better.

  24. Folks, I appreciate the fun you've had with this post. But please refrain from personal attacks on one another. Calling me names is one thing, but readers are my guests and I want all to feel welcome. Thanks.

  25. Why is she wearing long pants? Should be short(er) shorts

  26. Definitely a butter face.

  27. Anon 412 -- that's how much you know or assume. I am from California. I said the people who move here "from elsewhere". It's not only northerners. At least they know how to use a turn signal when the drive like the rest of us - 'cept you rebels.

  28. First of all....Bless her heart.

    I can't imagine what it must be like to be judged so harshly by anonymous a-holes online. Why the internet brings out the nastiest, most vile thoughts that one could imagine, I don't understand. Maybe it makes you feel better about your own self worth?

    I've said it time and again. Require people to register their real names and PAY for the priveldge to post their hateful rants. It would make the paper a bundle or weed out the a-holes. Either would be a blessing.

  29. Kathleen and Alisha -- Amen. I hope your comments put an end to this senseless North-South - or Whereever hateful debate, starting with the first volley ( slam at Yankee accent). I am a northern transplant myself and love it here -- and love Cheerwine too. The only thing that I don't like is this bantering of hatred and prejudice and both "sides" are guilty. Let's put down the pens and stop the war of words and get along. Life is too short for this nonsense.

  30. Oh please, y'all. Get over the north south wherever you're from. If you live here it's because you have chosen to move here or stay here at some point. Don't pick on the people who grew up here and don't pick on the people who move here. They must have liked it enough to have chosen it, so why the arguing about it?

  31. You have to be kidding me. ARF! ARF!
    GRRRRR! So what Cheerwine is saying, is to drink Cheerwine and you too can become fat and manly looking. What were they thinking? Is Miss Cheerwine pregnant with a love child from ......well you know. That might explain it, but why not go positive instead of negative?

  32. I still say there is no way she is only 23.

  33. I think she might be the RC Cola girl ? What the !

  34. With a figure that nice, I guessing she does more spitting than swallowing. Get your mind out of the gutter, I was talking about the Cheerwine.

  35. Cheerwine doesn't need a woman's face to sell it. It stands on its own, and it's been around long enough that it doesn't need a gimmick like this. And I am a native of this area. There are not many of us left.

  36. And for the record, I also know where Kathleen's reference, "You've come a long way, baby", comes from.

  37. Should've been a redhead!

  38. I always think its so funny that you people move here because its a great place to raise your kids (low crime rate, good people, lots of scenery, etc.) then you force change. You claim its for the better, but even YOU know that bringing your bad attitudes, crime, greed and selfishness to Eden will only destroy it. All you do is move here so you can spoil it like you did the north. The worst part is that you act like WE are the bad people. Before YOU came, we didnt even have to lock our doors at night. You go on and on about how we are, but in another 20 yrs, your children will have no where decent to raise YOUR GRANDCHILDREN and its ALL YOUR FAULT. Proud about that? I'll bet y'all are.

  39. EDIT!!! for all those who think this is only a North-South thing:
    I always think its so funny that you people move here because its a great place to raise your kids (low crime rate, good people, lots of scenery, etc.) then you force change. You claim its for the better, but even YOU know that bringing your bad attitudes, crime, greed and selfishness to Eden will only destroy it. All you do is move here so you can spoil it like you did the (INSERT NAME OF AREA YOU MESSED UP HERE--NORTH EAST OR WEST). The worst part is that you act like WE are the bad people. Before YOU came, we didnt even have to lock our doors at night. You go on and on about how we are, but in another 20 yrs, your children will have no where decent to raise YOUR GRANDCHILDREN and its ALL YOUR FAULT. Proud about that? I'll bet y'all are.
    If you moved here, why do you think YOU are changing anything for the better? If you moved here, its because something here is better than where YOU left. Quit being an idiot and do not change what we have here as it is CLEARLY better than the place you left. If it isnt, then WHY ARE YOU HERE? GO BACK! NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE HERE!

  40. At least she probably goes down easier than the Cheerwine.

  41. Thanks for the "duck feet" recipe. Having been raised in the south, my inclination was to make a sandwich substituting "both duck feet" for bread and the tongue(s) fried and slathered with Duke's mayonnaise. Salt to taste.

  42. Kathleen, give it up. Posting something on the internet is the same as leaving food outside on the table. It's going to attract all the vermin and insects. At least it keeps them occupied and hopefully keeps them from mating and multiplying.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. It's hard to believe how ignorant and rude most of these comments are. And then they hide behind anonymity.

    I'm particularly embarrassed by and ashamed of those who spew such drivel and then claim to be representative of authentic Southerners.

    I'm an authentic Southerner and I would never dream of being so insulting and insipid over such a trivial subject which was presented by Ms. Purvis with intelligence and humor.

    Allen Jones

  45. Thank you, Allen. I appreciate that you took the time to add that.

  46. Haven't had the pleasure of reading this blog in a while. I am somewhat distressed to note that the Jerry Springer set has chosen Ms Purvis' column as a forum for vitriol and tactlessness. Don't the dissatisfied people of the world have a reality show to watch?

  47. Haven't had the pleasure of reading this blog in a while. I am somewhat distressed to note that the Jerry Springer set has chosen Ms Purvis' column as a forum for vitriol and tactlessness. Don't the dissatisfied people of the world have a reality show to watch?

  48. Holy shit. I read several of these comments and they are beyond offensive. I went to the university of Alabama with this girl, and she is intelligent, kind, funny, and classy. Choosing to model doesn't negate any of those traits. It is beyond ridiculous that anyone would try to diminish her as a person for being pretty.
