Monday, April 25, 2011

Chewing the fat (lard) with WDAV

I was honored to be invited as the guest on WDAV's Sunday morning chat, "Biscuits and Bach," with Rachel Stewart. The online link just went up, in case you weren't listening to the radio that morning. It's a sweet show -- a five-minute interlude between all the high-cotton classical music. We managed to cover lard, emotion and Southern identity.

To replay it, go here and scroll down to April 10. And if you really want to hear an expert, drop down one more day and listen to Nathalie Dupree's recent appearance as well.

And in another link, my friend and colleague Judy Walker, the food editor of the New Orleans Times-Picayune, was apparently so taken by our recent story on kitchen cleaning that she turned it into a video. Take a look at it here.

Thanks, Rachael and Judy. I'm always honored to work with talented women.

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