Monday, December 20, 2010

Name That Lunch: And Win A Book

Shall we play a game? Take a look at the picture above and tell me where I had lunch today.

Hints: It's very new, with an old-favorite chef.

The first correct answer wins a copy of "Plenty," Diana Henry's new book on cooking with sustainable agriculture. Just in time for all those January healthy-eating resolutions. (Subtitle: "With over 300 recipes, none of them extravagant.")

Email your guess to me at Deadline is noon Tuesday (that's tomorrow). I'll announce the restaurant - and identify the plate - at that time. Oh, and one more hint: It was delicious.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Harvest Moon or Halcyon? -Larken Egleston

  3. It looks like a hash dish from brunch at The Harvest Moon Grille at the Dunhill hotel .
