Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cookbook Giveaway: "EatingWell on a Budget"

In Wednesday's Food section, Andrea Weigl will make the case that eating healthfully can be just as cheap as eating junk.

In honor of her story, we'll give one person a little budget break by giving away a copy of the book "EatingWell on a Budget," by Jessie Price and the EatingWell test kitchen. The book promises that all the meals can be made for less than $3 a serving.

If you're not a regular reader of EatingWell magazine and its other books, the editors are clever innovators who focus on recipes that are delicious, doable and healthful. Here's an example, to add to the great recipes you'll find in Weigl's story.

Enter the drawing for the book by posting your name (or a name I can use to identify you) in the comments here. Check back on Friday when we'll announce the winner.

Zucchini, Fennel & White Bean Pasta

From "Eating Well on a Budget." You can trim even more money by cooking your own cannellini beans, but canned beans are convenient and are still a good value, especially if you stock up at sales.

1 large fennel bulb, frond and root ends trimmed

2 medium zucchini

3 tablespoons olive oil, divided

1/4 teaspoon salt

8 ounces whole-wheat penne or similar short, tubular pasta

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 cup cooked cannellini beans or rinsed, canned beans

1/2 cup bean-cooking liquid, pasta-cooking liquid or water

2 plum tomatoes, diced

3/4 cup crumbled hard, aged goat cheese or fresh goat cheese

1/4 cup chopped fresh mint

Freshly ground pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut fennel bulb in half lengthwise, then slice lengthwise into 1/2-inch-thick wedges. Quarter zucchini lengthwise. Toss fennel and zucchini with 1 tablespoon oil and salt. Arrange in a single layer on a large baking sheet. Roast, turning once, until soft and beginning to brown, about 20 minutes.

Bring a large pot of water to boil while the vegetables roast. Add pasta; cook until just tender, 8 to 10 minutes or according to package directions.

Heat remaining 2 tablespoons oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and cook, stirring, for 30 seconds. Remove from heat.

Coarsely chop the roasted vegetables into bite-size pieces. Add the vegetables, beans and bean- or pasta-cooking liquid to the pan with the garlic and place over medium-low heat. Drain the pasta and immediately add to the pan. Toss thoroughly and add tomatoes. Toss until just warmed through. Remove from heat and stir in the cheese and mint. Season with pepper and serve.

Makes 4 servings. Per serving: 515 calories, 20g protein; 63g carbohydrate; 22g fat (7g saturated); 22mg cholesterol; 12g fiber; 350mg sodium.


  1. $3 a serving? I eat healthy and regularly eat meals for way less than that - like $1 or less per person.

  2. Oh, who wouldn't want this?! I've been unemployed and looking for over a year and could use this cookbook for my family!!

  3. I'd like to enter the cookbook giveaway!

  4. I love to be entered into the cookbook giveaway!

  5. Count me in. I love saving money and still being able to eat well.

  6. This cookbook sounds perfect for me!

  7. awesome! it's hard trying to keep up with print outs from various articles with the same topic. good luck to me!!

  8. Going back to school and will definitely be cooking more often and more cheaply. This book sounds perfect! Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Kathleen, you may have saved the day again. If I tell my mom that you mentioned this cookbook, she might actually may use it with me, since she loves reading you in the print Observer..instead of her buying expensive prepared foods or eating out that puts her WAY beyond her retirement budget, our limited funds, and is unhealthy to boot.

  10. I'd love to win this! Thank you very much for the giveaway. :-)

    anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com

  11. I saw the article today on budgeted healthy eating -- yummy recipes there! I'm certainly always on a budget . . .

  12. The recipes look really good and I always like to try new ones.

  13. I'd like to enter the cookbook giveaway, thanks for the chance!

  14. I'd love a copy! I;m feeding a family of 7 & 2 of us have Celiac - so eating well on a budget is a must.

  15. Please enter me in the cookbook giveaway: EatingWell on a Budget.

  16. Kathleen, please add the name kaymack to your cookbook giveway. Thanks.

  17. Today's article is great! I need more help/advice on this. Please keep them coming! I would also like to enter the give away. thank you!

  18. I would love a copy! I find feeding your family well with limited income is difficult. Thank you for this article.

  19. This would be great to win because I have 3 boys that run me and my hubby ragged going to sporting events, etc. Seems like we are always eating out which is not healthy at all and would be great to be able to prepare quick healthy meals for us all.

  20. As a college student, this would be perfect.

  21. I had to laugh when I saw the tostados recipe since it is exactly what we had for dinner last night, minus the chicken of course. Much better to substitute sauteed squash and onions. No meat in this house!

  22. Please enter me in the cookbook giveaway. Thanks!

  23. I will try these recipes on children that think McDonald's is the premier restaurant of choice and anything high in fructose corn syrup is exceptional in taste. I am on an ever declining grocery budget and appreciate this article.

  24. I will make good use of this book. Thanks!

  25. Should I prepare an acceptance speech for when I win this great cookbook?


  26. Enter me - I'd love this book!


  27. My husband lost his job 4 months ago. I love making healthy meals, but it is harder on a budget. This book would be great!

  28. What's not to love about this!?!? Please enter me.

  29. Hi, this is Emily Zarbatany. I contacted you recently about Notes on Cooking, which I bought and have been enjoying. I'm interested in the cookbook Eating Well on a Budget, so here's hoping you pick me ! :)

  30. Great article, thanks.

  31. Cotcar said (forgot my password)

    Submitting my name for entry in the drawing and expecting to spend some extra time in the kitchen preparing for house guests - always a strain on the budget.

  32. Sounds like a cookbook worth having.

  33. I would love to get a copy of this, since I love eating well AND I'm on a budget!

  34. Kids running in and out, husband says he's always without, please, can't you see, I really need this
    cookbook now!


  35. Please enter me in the cookbook giveaway! I need to get better control my supermarket budget.

  36. I love learning new recipes and making them my own! And my co-workers like it too!

  37. Please enter me for the book giveaway.
    Thank you.

  38. Would love to be entered into the contest if it's not too late.


  39. Thanks for the chance to win the budget friendly cookbook. Nice to meet you, my name is Brad.
