Wednesday, March 10, 2010

She saves but doesn't clip

My colleague Andrea Weigl at the Raleigh News & Observer has an interesting article this morning about, a Web-based service started by Betsy Szczypinski of Chapel Hill.

Szczypinski made herself an expert on saving money by planning her family's meals around what's on sale at her local grocery stores. She's not a coupon-clipper, she's a sale shopper.

Her Web service lets you enter your local store and get a weekly meal plan based on what's on sale that week. You get a free 30-day trial and then it costs $5 a week for recipes, a shopping list and a meal plan.

Recipes are aimed at simple recipes for families with kids, and she focuses on both cooking for yourself and avoiding processed foods. If you try it, let me know how it works for you.

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