Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday Giveaway: The real Julia

Are you giving someone the DVD of the movie "Julie & Julia" for Christmas? (If you have anyone who likes food, joy, fun and/or literacy on your gift list, that one's a no-brainer). And I have the perfect thing to go with it:

The newly released DVD collection of Child's 1985 TV series, "The Way to Cook." Personally, I rank the book version of "The Way to Cook" as second only to her original "Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol. 1" as one of my favorite all-time cookbooks. It was Child at the top of her game and the height of her career.

I have a copy of the DVD, ready to give away.

Here are the rules: Post a comment to get in the drawing for the DVD. If you sign in as anonymous, add something to the comment that will let me identify you. Deadline is 9 a.m. Wednesday, so I can get it in the mail to you before Christmas. Winner will be announced later that morning.

And one more special rule: Please, please, please promise you'll remember that her name was Julia Child. Not Childs. Child.


  1. What a fab giveaway! I'd love, love, love to get it, but am disqualifying myself because of a previous (and very nice!) win. Someone, however, will be very lucky indeed to get this one!

  2. I just watched the movie on my way home from the UK over the weekend and really enjoyed it. No, I will NOT attempt to make all of the recipes within a year! But I think I may try to make a few of them! Vickie from Bessemer City.

  3. I watched the movie this weekend also. I hope I'm the lucky one to receive the cookbook. Do I get extra points for being male?

  4. I would love this!!!! My fingers are crossed.

    -Kelly from Charlotte

  5. I would love to win this so I could watch a real cooking show with a real cook instead of one of the miriad over-hyped, down-home, corn-pone, and/ or hyperactive "personalities"offered on the major cable food networks.

    Hope you pick me!! Thanks!

  6. I am not a good cook, everyone in my family knows it. In fact, I have a plaque in my kitchen that reads, "many people have eaten in this kitchen and gone on to lead normal, happy lives".Before, I was never ashamed....however; after watching the Julie & Julia movie last week, I have been inspired to "do better". My daughter and I participated in a mother-daughter cooking class this weekend, my effort to help her not repeat the error of her mothers' ways. This would be a delightful way to continue the momentum I have going so far and help a new generation of aspiring cooks! My new motto is: WWJD- What would Julia do?

  7. My wife and I watched Julie/Julia this weekend and really enjoyed it. (My wife didn't know who Julia Child was.) I was the lead cook in the family but my wife is quietly becoming the star in our kitchen. I'd love to suprise her with this dvd for Christmas.
    Randy from Tega Cay.

  8. I'm love to watch this with my mom over Christmas! Polly from Charlotte

  9. This would make an amazing Christmas present!

  10. I'd love to have this movie. My college student daughter has been talking about it alot and I'd like to be able to give it to her.

    Thank you for the chance to enter and perhaps win!

  11. I love Julia! She is one of my all time food heroes. I remember watching her in black and white on public TV way back when I was only a wee teenager. Julie and Julia is the only movie I ever saw twice in a theater.

    Another hero is Judith Jones for having brought so many chefs and diverse cuisines to the forefront of American culinary culture.

  12. This would make a great gift for someone! ME?!?!?! Thanks...Val

  13. I have a rule that if I get a new cookbook I have to get rid of one, however, this is a DVD so I can get by on a technicality. Julia Child is an inspiration. I have a treasured copy of her 1968 book, The French Chef Cookbook that I love. Amy, in the kitchen.

  14. This would be a wonderful DVD and I would love to have it. Thanks for providing something so nice during this season of giving!
    Debbie from Mount Pleasant

  15. My good buddies Susan & Bob have tiny little parts in the wedding scene of the movie because their son, Mark Ricker, was the production designer. I'd love to be able to give them this cookbook for Christmas! Put my name in the pot please and I'll cross my fingers.

  16. I love to cook and try new things. Would really like to have the DVD. i have never tried all her recipes but have tried some. Wish i was younger and could have an opportunity to go to culinary school.
