Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Help Community Culinary School with Whole Foods day

If you're planning a shopping trip to Whole Foods, put June 25 on your calendar: That's 5% Day to support Community Culinary School of Charlotte.

CCS is a terrific Charlotte resource. A culinary program for people who are chronically unemployed or coming back from hard times, it trains people for jobs in food service. On 5% Day, five percent of the store's net sales that day will be donated to the nonprofit school. Staff from the school will also be there that day to talk about the program.

And if you want another way to eat well while helping the school, don't forget their Bistro!, a lunch program held at 1 p.m. every other Thursday at the school, 2401-A Distribution St. near SouthEnd, while classes are in session. It's free, but takes donations. For details on that and the whole school, go to www.communityculinary.org.